Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Poem about Farewell: "Letting Go"

Letting go is an act where you release something/someone that you hold on dearly, something that is not worth enough to be yours, and something that is not meant to be forever. This poem is a tribute to someone whom I adore so much, but fate is our foe and we cannot do anything to combat the will of nature. It’s hard to forego but it’s the only way to ease the pain and to stop the wound from bleeding.
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

How can I move on
when you’re the reason
why my heart keeps
on beating?

How can I forego
when every time I take a pause
your visage lurks
inside my head?

How can I stop crying 
when you're the only one
who make my days
complete and happy?

How can I hide the pain
when my heart yearns
for your love
and caressing touch?

How can I forget you
if you’re the only person
who made my life
move in sync?

How can I neglect you
when you’re the most
important person
I’ve ever had?

How can you say I’m nothing
when yesterday you told me
how much you adore
and love me?

How can I’ve been so drowned
by your sweet lies
without knowing you’re
just playing fire?


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